In Episode 4 of Radio Clang, I remind you of a Clangoring presentation happening toward the end of September and remind myself of something to go see this Thursday.
Hopscotch is happening this coming weekend over in Raleigh. My budget did not allow me to swing a night show package and my straight gig keeping me from the day shows. I found out a few days ago that Florry are playing a free day show at Slim’s on Thursday.
Florry’s album The Holey Bible is wobbly hazed out rural rock at its baked best. Way too rowdy to slap on a cosmic country comparison. Yeah, there’s a lot of Neil and Crazy Horse happening, but it goes deeper into other scruffy weird weeds. Everyone I’ve turned onto the album has become just as smitten with it as I have. I checked my schedule for this week, it just so happens I have Thursday off. I don’t get to get over to Raleigh regularly but I’m totally trekking from Durham to see me some Florry!
The Clangoring presentation is Sunday, Sept 24th at the Cave in Chapel Hill.
A bare essence of Lewsberg’s sound is braininess. It sounds clever and cynical. Not an eggheaded braininess looking down from high towers and judging everyone else as rubes. It’s the braininess of the common person, their day to day live cope. Often set to a clock of a motorik rhythm, the Rotterdam band may seem austere at the surface. Spending just a couple of minutes with their music though, that veneer cracks, revealing a ton of dry humor about the human condition and adoration for a jangled chug the Velvets invented and bands like the Feelies reinvented.
Lewsberg released their first record, a 7inch EP, in 2017. The band’s newest album, Out And About, is set for release on 12XU toward the end of September. This is their first US tour. They will stop here on their way to Gonerfest the following weekend.
Playing with Lewsberg will be the antsy pulse punk of Durham’s Three Body Problem and the gauzy garage gaze of Chapel Hill’s Entrez Vous.
Anyway, the playlist:
The B52s – Nip It In the Bud
STEF + THE SLEEVENS – Give My Regards To The Dancing Girls
COREY HANSON – Horsebait Sabotage
ENTREZ VOUS – Sham Trial
LEWSBERG – An Ear To The Chest
FLORRY – Hot Weather
ANIMAL PISS – Jesus Got Under My Skin
Tha RETAIL SIMPS – The River
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