Harken the Quirk
Clangoring presents a taste of Delicious Monsters in a cave (not an actual cave but THE Cave.)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Delicious Monsters sound like the kind of band that live to play dance parties. The kind of dance parties thrown by oddballs who know how to throw on a dance party. A dance party where even the more of the uptight types realize it good to shake it all out from time to time. A dance party of arty new wave outcasts, grizzled punk rock jokesters, a psychedelic wizard in training, poets who write for plants and a few normies who showed up at the wrong house. A dance party to be remembered.
On their album, Freedom Plastic Realistic, Delicious Monsters jitter and jump like the first two B52s albums, wobbles like the Slits Cut and slash up guitar blurts and blasts straight off the grooves of both 80s DIY 45s and scratchy 60s garage rock singles.
The band is embarking on its first real tour this October and what sort of place would be appropriate for their type of dance party to happen in these parts? A subterranean dive that’s been around since the late 60s and has chicken wire and plaster stalactites protruding from the ceiling? Yes. The exact kind of place.
So, get your party togs together for Delicious Monsters on Tuesday, November 12th at the Cave in Chapel Hill, NC.
Along on the bill are Carrboro’s Hex Files. Fronted by Dani (formerly of Bonies), this duo bass guitar quartet’s forms of weirdo dance punk will start the party by taking it to some alluring and mysterious places.
This is a Clangoring presentation.